Why Christmas is Depressing and i still like it.
Hello Readers Last year around the Christmas Time i had Dinner with my Grandma, 2 days later with my Father, his Sister and there Husband, it was all a nice…
Hello Readers Last year around the Christmas Time i had Dinner with my Grandma, 2 days later with my Father, his Sister and there Husband, it was all a nice…
Sometimes i just Hate being unable to have a normal Job, and together with Depression its not really something i can suggest but who am i talking to, you probably…
Hello Visitors Being Clinically Depressed ain’t that easy, and help is often not available, middle of the Month i got a Appointment to a Psychologist…finally… they said i get a…
Visited a CSD aka. Christopher Street Day in Europe aka more known to Americans as “Pride Parade” some weeks ago, ran around with 100s of People and haven’t a single…
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